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Galfer red rear brake pads FD224G1805 Trial

Brand: Galfer

Reference: FD224G1805

Offer: £16.64
PVP: £21.60
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GALFER FG1805-FD224 trial rear brake pads valid for AJP and Braktec brake calipers. Made with sintered and metallic-ceramic friction materials that offer high heat resistance and optimal braking.


More information

Galfer Brake Pads

Brake pads are fundamental elements in any braking system since they are directly responsible for transmitting power from the caliper to the brake disc. Galfer has developed specific compounds for each use to offer the best possible performance in any condition.


* low wear rate and minimal noise

* maximum performance and durability

* efficient in wet conditions

* no wear on the brake disc

Comments (3)

| 10/03/2025 | Verified purchase
Galfer red rear brake pads FD224G1805 Trial


| 31/01/2025 | Verified purchase
Galfer red rear brake pads FD224G1805 Trial

Frenada más fiable al principio y al final de la jornada.las recomiendo

| 01/08/2024 | Verified purchase
Galfer red rear brake pads FD224G1805 Trial

Genial, buena atención y rapidez en el envío

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Questions (2)


Vanno bene per moto da trial Scorpa sy 250 anno 2005 ?

Store response | 30/05/2024


Vanno bene per gas gas gp 2023?

Store response | 30/07/2023


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